Channel Awesome
Why Do Disney Remakes Keep Happening?

Disney remakes keep making money nc

July 31, 2019
Running Time
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(The Channel Awesome logo and show opening play, before we go to NC in his room. NC is shown feeling down, with his hand on his cheek)

NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. Sorry if I look a little disheveled right now, but did you hear how this did recently? (The poster of the 2019 remake of The Lion King, which has now become one of the year's biggest hits, grossing over $1 billion, is shown) Did you hear what the next few films from Disney are gonna be? (An image of future remakes made by Disney is shown. NC shouts the next part, though his expression doesn't change) AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!?
