Channel Awesome
What's with the Princess Hate?

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March 26, 2013
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NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. (Beat) Hey, what's with the princess hate?

(Images involving various princesses are shown)

NC (vo): Yes, most little girls fantasize about being a princess at some point, with their elegant beauty, kind heart and enchanted surroundings the princess for many is the epidemy of femininity.

NC: But there has been a bit of a backlash in the past several years...

(More images of princesses are shown)

NC (vo): ...saying that the princess-stereotype is a more damaging fantasy than an encouraging one.

(Cuts to clip from Nostalgia Critic's review of the Sonic cartoons)

NC (vo): Even I've had my rants on the overruse of it in media..

NC: You're not really a princess! You just took the title 'cause it sounds CUTE!

NC (vo): So, is it just innocent make-belief or is there really something to get angry about? Well, in order to answer this, we should probably look at what a majority of people takes offence at..

(Pictures of Disney princesses are shown)

NC (vo): And I guess it's only the most logical, it'll be it cliche to look at the most famous lineup of princesses: Disney. Disney has practically re-invented the fairytale and seeing how their princess line is the best-selling licensed entertainment character merchandise it's safe to say they have a clear understanding of what makes princesses so popular. What do they have in common?

NC (vo): But the answer finally came to me when I saw Bridge to Terabithia, which is a GOD awful film by the way.

NC: In fact, note to self: review Bridge to Terabithia.

Note: Page not finished yet
