Channel Awesome

Nostalgia Critic: Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I remember it so you don't have to. People, as you all now, I am very rarely wrong, but in my last video, The Top 11 Nostalgic Mindfucks, I accidentally gave credit to the wrong person who made those surreal background videos that gave you all nightmares. Now, I am not one to deny credit to a person who scares the abstract shit out of you,

(Text appears, reading

Nostalgia Critic: So here's the address of the real artist who did those videos. you can find all sorts of animations, illistrations, Fucked-up-tivity that'll be sure to question your preception of reality. Watch them at your own risk.

(Text dissapears)

Nostalgia Critic: Now, with that out of the way, let's talk about disaster movies.

(Image shows the cover of the Tom and Jerry movie)

Nostalgia Critic: No, No, No! Not that kind of disaster movie, I mean natural disaster movies!

(Images of a demon, Darth Vader and Mr. Freeze show up)

Nostalgia Critic:(Voiceover) For some reason in the mid-90s, we bacame tired of supernatural villians trying to kill us, so we decided, Why don't we let the hand of God piss us off?

(Images now show natural disaster movies)

Nostalgia Critic:(Voiceover) With every natural horror that you could imagine. Volcanos, Shipwrecks, Floods, you name it.

(Cut back to Nostalgia Critic)

Nostalgia Critic: Well, we did. And what was the highest grossing unnatural disaster films to ever come out that genre? None other than the swirling menace simply known as...Twister...

(Footage from a 'Twister' (game) advertisement)

Nostalgia Critic: No, No, That game is kind of hot! I'm talking about a movie completely devoid of hotness.

(Image shows Helen Hunt)

Nostalgia Critic: Mostly devoid of hotness! The Jan de Bont epic failure, Twister!

(Footage and score from movie)

Nostalgia Critic:(Voiceover) A film that asks many daring questions like, How many Bill Paxtons does it take to slam your head against the wall? When did the special effects of tornadoes go over the special effects of story telling? And...

(Camera zooms on Daniel from lost)

Nostalgia Critic:(Voiceover)...Is that Daniel from lost?

(Cut back to Critic)

Nostalgia Critic: Well, let's not keep this whirlwind of answers away from us any longer! Let's take a look.
