Channel Awesome
Top 15 Screw-Ups of Atop the Fourth Wall

Top 15 screw ups 4th wall

December 27, 2010
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See all the times where Linkara was a total idiot!

This is an incomplete guide. Please complete it. Thanks.

Linkara: Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. Well, the end of the year is approaching, so it's a time for relfection on the things we've done. While it's true that I am the most handsome, most magnificent person alive, I sometimes screw things up.

(Cut to Douchy McNitpick via transmission)

Douchy: Hold it right there, you plagiarist!

Linkara: (unsurprised) Ooooh... You.

Douchy: That's right. The Nostalgia Critic already did this kind of video. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THE SAME KIND OF VIDEO!!

Linkara: Then, logically, by appearing in my video, you are voluntarily contributing to this allegedly ripping off.

Douchy: (As he's about to defend himself, he thinks about Linkara's comeback) BAH! Logic means nothing to me!!

Linkara: Anyway, the point is that this is the Top 15 Screw-Ups of Atop the Fourth Wall

Douchy: That's FUCK-ups!! How come you never swear? You look so immature when you never swear.

Linkara: So, by swearing, I'd appear as mature as you do, huh?

Douchy: I... wait... (incoherently mumbles, trying to think about the logic behind his argument)

(Opening titles and opening title card)















