Channel Awesome
The Trump Prophecy


Release Date
February 6, 2019
Running Time
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The Cinema Snob is endlessly perplexed as he watches the worst film of 2018!

The Cinema Snob: Hello, Cinema Snob here. If you like what you see - and why wouldn't you? I'm handsome! - (Cut to the "LLOYD APPROVED" logo) click on the Lloyd link in the corner, (Back to the Snob) and subscribe to us at, plus you can also follow us on Twitter, at @thecinemasnob! I don't even know why I'm standing here! My chair is right there!

He walks away, and we zoom in on the show's logo, after which we see the Snob in his chair

Snob: The Trump Prophecy is a movie about a fireman with PTSD, who sees a floating "God orb" and takes that as a sign to make Trump President. And he is helped by people blowing rams' horns into the sky! (Beat) Do I really need to continue? What else could I possibly say about this film?!

To be continued
