Channel Awesome
The Others #1 and Brute Force #1

At4w brute force by masterthecreater-768x339

August 2, 2010
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A double feature of dumb! But which is bad in its awfulness and which is awesome in its badness?

Linkara: Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. You know, I do try to look ahead at what I'm going to review, and read through a little bit to make sure it'll suck enough for the show. The problem is, they start to blend together a bit, and let's face it, you read one horrible Image comic from the mid-'90s, and you've read them all.

(Cut to a montage of shots of comics from Image Comics)

Linkara (v/o): That doesn't mean that there isn't variation, of course. Sure, most of them are about generic super teams and idiots and misspelled names that are just ripoffs of better characters from Marvel and DC, but occasionally, you'll run across one that's slightly more original. But in the end, it's still a mid-'90s Image comic. You'll recall back in my "Doom's IV 1/2" that Rob Liefeld said that issue 0 should be the origin story for a book and that the first issue should be all action.

Linkara: We'll just chalk that up as further evidence that Rob Liefeld is a bit of a moron. Issue 0, if you're really gonna bother with it, should be a prologue that's not necessary, but can add some greater character bits, and appeal the people to pick up issue 1, which should be the origin.

(Further shots of Image Comics are shown)

Linkara (v/o): Don't get me wrong, action is good, especially in a first issue, but it should not be all action, no substance. It's difficult to get character information and story setup when you're in the middle of a fight scene. A first issue needs to make a reader want to pick up a comic the next month and stick with it, so making it nothing but action after action overloads the reader and bores them! And therein lies part of my problem today. Glancing through it, yeah, "The Others" is bad. Of course it's bad.

(A shot of a cover of "Q-Unit" is shown)

Linkara (v/o): But I keep running into these comics that are either too dull to make funny or aren't that bad.

(Another shot of a comic is shown: "Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos #1")

Linkara (v/o): However, I'm sick and tired of trying to dig up old '80s comics about action stars...

(Cut to a shot of the cover of "Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: Fit to Win")

Linkara (v/o): ...or 22-page advertisements for old computers, so yeah, we're still gonna review "The Others #1", but that's the advertiser. That's right, a short review before we delve into the really crazy stuff I've got for you.

Linkara: So let's dig into (holds up comic of review) "The Others #1" so we can just get it over with and head on to the main course.

(Theme song plays; title card has "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga playing over it)

This guide is not complete. Please finish.
