Channel Awesome
The Demon in the Mattress

Demon in the Mattress Dark Toons

July 16, 2021
Running time

Doug: Hey! We're back with Courage Month! Sorry I couldn't get you a video last week. I got sick, but I'm better. Now we're gonna continue on with it. With that said...

(The title card for "The Demon in the Mattress" is shown.)

Doug (vo): ..."Demon in the Mattress" was released in 1999.

Doug: A lot of you recommended it, and I can definitely see why. Let's take a look.

Doug (vo): I may have brought this up before...

Doug: ...but I really miss shows that have title cards. Like, unique title cards. My favorite was probably, uh...

(A compilation of the title cards from Tiny Toon Adventures is shown.)

Doug (vo): ...Tiny Toons. They had a really wide, unique range of title cards that look great...

Doug: ...and give you a little idea of what you're about to see, and this does the same.

Doug (vo): This is a really good-looking card with good color, and it pops out. And again, it's a little bit of a preview of what you're about to...

Doug: ...come across. I don't know -- spoiler culture just got too much like, "No! Don't ruin a thing!" But I -- I really like them.

(The episode opens at nighttime with the Bagge farmhouse under the moonlight.)


(Muriel is dissatisfied with the mattress on the bed. It's all worn out, and springs are poking up through it. Eustace, meanwhile, just continues to snore away.)

Muriel (voice of Thea White): Eustace, I want a new mattress, and that's the end of the matter!


Voice: We have a special on our deluxe life-changing mattress. It's soft.


Voice: It's smooth.

Muriel: Smooth.

Voice: No lumps.


Doug (vo): A creepy horse-drawn carriage...


(As Courage quivers in terror, the demon living in the mattress reveals itself.)


(The weasel hisses at Courage.)

Courage (voice of Marty Grabstein): Eeek!


Courage: I just can't wait to see this.


(A strange green vapor comes out of the mattress and enters Muriel's nose. Courage, who has been watching through the bedroom window, quivers in terror as Muriel levitates several feet above the bed.)


(An image of Regan MacNeil is shown for comparison.)


Demon (voice of Tom McKeon): (wicked laugh)

(Muriel's head turns in a 360 degree rotation, then suddenly falls off. Eustace and Courage both scream.)


Demon: Can one of you boys give me a hand?


Demon: Won't you join me?


Eustace (voice of Lionel Wilson): She likes you. Go see how she is.


Demon: Closer...


Demon: [It would be lovely] if I could have a cup...of...TEA!!!

(The demon pulls off the bed sheet to show a tea tray. Courage screams in terror.)


Muriel: Courage, help me!

Demon: Whoops! (laughs)


(Courage whips out his thumb, and has a thumb war with the Demon.)

Demon: Watch my thumb.


Eustace: (reading instructions) "To perform an exorcism, put on a flowing garment."


Eustace: Give me a break! I can do it!

Demon: Want a tip?

Eustace: Yeah, sure.


Courage: [Hullabaloo and howdy-do! Musty prawns and Timbuktu!] Yeltzy bye and hippity hoo! Kick 'em in the dishpan! Hoo hoo hoo!


Courage: Now, this is a bed I can sleep in any day.
