Channel Awesome
Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator dark fate nc

Release Date
April 7, 2021
Running Time
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(After the Channel Awesome logo, we cold-open on NC looking around in awe)

NC: (looking offscreen) So you sent me back two weeks ago.

(He is addressing the Terminator, played by Malcolm, who is looking at him through a portal)

Terminator: (speaking with Arnold's accent) Yes, to restore the timelines. You must finish out Terminator Month.

NC: But there's only five weeks in March and six Terminator films.

Terminator: That is why we've sent you back from April to March.

NC: So, by reviewing the Terminator movie from 2019, the world won't be destroyed by the Squirrel People?

Terminator: It is your destiny.

NC: Well, then, it seems there's truly no fate but what we make for ourselves– (looks into camera) Do you care? I just want to talk about Dark Fate.

Terminator: (no accent) Yeah, I don't think anyone gives a shit.

NC: Y-Yeah, run the thing.

(The "TERMONTHNATOR MONTH" title is shown)

NC: Well, we've finally reached of...

(The "TERMONTHNATOR MONTH" title is shown a second time)

NC (vo): ..."Terminator Month"...

(A shot of a woman is shown, along with the words "Two Weeks". However, the word "Two" is crossed out and replaced with "A" and the "S" at the end of "Weeks" is also crossed out)

NC (vo): a week...

NC: ...and I'm happy to say that this franchise goes out on a high note! (beat) In that you'd have to be high to go out on this note.
