Channel Awesome

I don't know how to do it, but someone should link "where on Earth would you get an idea like that?" to James Earl Jones (the joke is that Vader was voiced by Jones, who is black). 07:15, October 30, 2016 (UTC)

Pikachu MURDERED?!?!?!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!! NC, I understand that you don't like Pokemon and you have every right to tell us so. But THIS has gone too far now! You're recent use of Ash Williams down-right MURDERING Pikachu is totally uncalled for. And do you even know what's even MORE horrible than that? Showing Ash Ketchum using Pikachu as a shield against Williams' chainsaw. Then showing Ketchum holding Pikachu decapitated and crying. And just when I thought you COULDN'T insult Pokemon ANY had the BALLS to have Williams utter, "Pokemon Go fuck yourself"! NO...FUCK...YOU...NC!!!! For this criminal activity, EVERYONE is to force NC to review the rest of the Pokemon movies. NOW?!!!!!!! MrWii000 (talk) 00:59, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

Apparently someone has no idea what a joke is. G33k d4sh (talk) 04:44, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

No no no no...this is what I call, "a joke that has gone too far"! MrWii000 (talk) 05:02, November 10, 2016 (UTC)
