Channel Awesome


Malcom Ray portrays Satan from Son of the Mask onwards.

Satan, A.K.A the Devil or Mr. Zebub, is the lord of darkness and the king of Hell. He can take the form of a devilish, demonic creature, a Teddy Ruxpin doll, and several men. He is best portrayed by Malcolm Ray. Prior to his appearance, Bennett the Sage was said the be the devil, as shown in the Nostalgia Critic's review of Care Bears 2 (though it was revealed that this was just Sage screwing with the Critic). He has a daughter named Evilina.



Bennett The Sage as Satan in the Care Bears 2 Review

  • Atop the Fourth Wall: 200th Episode (as That Guy With The Glasses)


  • In the Son of the Mask review, Satan is shown to be married to Kim Kardashian and that she is Evilina's mother.
