Channel Awesome
NostalgiaWeen Christmas January
Screenshot 2016-01-20 at 2.49

NostalgiaWeen is a month where the Nostalgia Critic does Halloween themed videos, usually reviewing scary movies and talking about Halloween related topics.

NostalgiaWeen 2010


It review by marobot-d3144bg-0

A parody of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown". Lucy and Linus are walking home with the pumpkin when a masked murderer shows up and slices off their heads with a chainsaw and runs off laughing maniacally.


NostalgiaWeen 2011


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A parody of The X-Files opening, featuring visual jokes like Casper appearing, Charlie Brown appearing in his ghost costume, and NC falling down the stairs.


NostalgiaWeen 2013


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A Parody of "The Nightmare Before Christmas", Jack Skellington dressed as NC is walking through the forest, and finds a door with the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses logo on it. He opens it, when suddenly Pennywise steps out and shoots Jack, laughing.


NostalgiaWeen 2014


266 Nostalgia Critic - Monster Squad

A parody of "Halloween". An unknown figure puts on a mask and heads into NC's house. He finds him at his computer, and NC yells at him for going into his house. The figure then stabs NC to death and it is shown that it is JonTron, getting revenge for the Critic reviewing Food Fight.


NostalgiaWeen 2015



A parody of Goosebumps. C is walking with a briefcase as it pops open and a shadowy "N" goes throughout the town, gliding past a Stephen King billboard. One of the pages comes across Jack Black, reading the paper that says "Goosebumps Now Nostalgically Popular!" The "N" goes into a house that show clips from past NostalgiaWeens, before revealing the title.


NostalgiaWeen 2016


Nc dreamcatcher

A parody of the intro for Gravity Falls, it parodies the theme song with Malcolm and Tamera as Dipper and Mabel, and NC as Stan. The opening has callbacks to Casper, IT, and Teddy Ruxpin, as well as past years of NostalgiaWeen.


NostalgiaWeen 2017



A parody of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, The stormy clouds move to reveal NostalgiaWeen in bloody font, and transitions to the "Joke Cemetery" including the graves of "Let's Play Bart's Nightmare", "Demo Reel", "The Emoji Movie", and "Funny Adam Sandler". It then cuts inside of Channel Awesome studios where the Ghosts of Critic, Tamara, and Malcom reenact a Simpsons Couch gag.


Other Halloween Epsiodes


  • Hocus Pocus was the first NostalgiaWeen review to be in November, since there were only 2 Halloween reviews in 2015.
  • There was no NostalgiaWeen for 2012, since Doug Walker stopped the show to work on Demo Reel, but brought it back in 2013 when Nostalgia Critic returned.
  • NC reviews at least one Stephen King movie every Nostalgia-ween
  • Reversing The 2016 NostalgiaWeen theme, the whisper says 'You really played this backwards?, What's wrong with you?'