Channel Awesome

Not much is known about this ninja, other than that he loves to dance and that he's mute. He first appeared in the "Nightcat #1" review and has made cameo appearances in Y Ruler of Time's "Ninjas Vs. Pirates" vid, and Sean Fausz's "Carmen Dance" vid during the live charity drive. His moment to really shine came when he helped battle Pollo the Robot/Mechakara with Linkara, '90s Kid and Harvey Finevoice.

His next major role is in Iron Liz's review of "Chain Gang War #1" after Linkara was abducted. His role in the review is to keep Iron Liz, the current reviewer, from going completely off track like the reviewer before her, '90s Kid. He talks via cue cards which are apparently screwed up so much by the ninja (for confusing his enemies or something) that captions had to be edited in. He does not do much except sit by Iron Liz while she does her review and helping her with some of the jokes. At the end of the review, Finevoice tells Liz to ditch him, ironically saying that he never shuts up.
