Channel Awesome
Kickassia Part 5

NC Kickassia episode 5 by MaroBot

Date Aired:
May 20th, 2010
Running Time

Kickassia Part 05: The Fall of the Risen

The story opens with panoramic shots of Kickassia. Handsome Tom is shown holding the flag as we cut to Linkara and Benzaie as they sneak around the country. After looking around, he turns to Benzaie.

Linkara: This is ridiculous! We've got NO strategy for this! Plus, he's my arch enemy! It's just...annoying!

Benzaie:...No they're right. We've got to fight madness with madness. And he's the craziest we've got. *looks past a disbelieving Linkara.* Are you ready there, Doc?

Dr. Insano: *maniacal laugh* I WAS BORN READY!! HAHAHAHA!
