Channel Awesome
Kickassia Part 2

NC Kickassia episode 2 by MaroBot

Date Aired:
May 18th, 2010
Running Time

Scene: Spoony and NC are talking in a room

Spoony: Is everyone preparing for battle?

NC: They are, Spoony.

Spoony: *chokes a little* Good.

NC: You know, Spoony, it would really help the team out if you were to…well…you know.

Spoony: *Spoony turns his head a little* Summon him?

NC: It would be just this once, Spoony. Just this once and you can go back to normal.

Spoony: *turns around suddenly* NORMAL?! There’s no normal. I don’t even know what normal is any more. Every day I live with the beast who is raging inside of me.

NC: All you need to do is set him free and that once you have him under control-

Spoony: CONTROL?! There is no control! There is only ANARCHY! Chaos! And the world writhing in pain!

NC: But, if you would only try!
