Channel Awesome
James Bond, Jr. #1

At4w james bond jr 1 by drcrafty

January 15th, 2018
Running time
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Still a better secret agent than SCI-Spy.

(The scene opens with Linkara sitting in his futon.)

Linkara: Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. The 10th anniversary celebrations begin with a Patreon viewers' choice of a goofy tie-in book to a terrible cartoon: James Bond, Jr. (vo) I reviewed the third issue of the series back in the tail end of 2009.


(After the At4W theme song rolls, the title card comes up as the theme for the cartoon James Bond, Jr. plays in the background.)

Linkara (vo): The cover is boring and lame, featuring our titular James Bond, Jr. himself just standing there.


Linkara: Next time, another Patreon-sponsored review...and it's another long one, too. We've seen the first crossover between Marvel and DC superheroes, so now, let's look at the last one they did, with JLA/Avengers.

(Linkara throws the comic book down, then gets up and leaves. The credits roll.)

Because it's funnier than giving him a normal voice. THAT'S why he gets the Connery accent.

What a threat secret agent James Bond is... when everybody in this school apparently knows he's a secret agent.

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