Heads of Beef
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July 23, 2021
Running time
Doug: You might be wondering why I'm wearing the same clothes as last week. Because it takes courage to wear the same clothes as last week. Ha ha! Tie-in encouragement! I — I shot these all in a day.
(The title card for "Heads of Beef" is shown.)
Doug (vo): "Heads of Beef" came out in 2000.
Doug: It's another one that got a lot of requests, and there's definitely a reason for it. Let's take a look.
Nowhere Newsman: We interrupt this program...
Doug (vo): So this is one of those episodes where...
Doug: ...most of it you think something else is going on, and it's revealed at the end that the creepy thing you think is going on is not going on. So I was debating whether or not to...do it...
Doug (vo): ...but I think it leads you on so long...
Doug: ...and in such a creative way and a dark way that I — I think it warrants being here.
(The episode opens, showing that Muriel has fallen ill.)
Muriel (voice of Thea White): (moans)
Doug (vo): As you can see, Muriel is feeling very sick...
Doug: ...and Eustace is always supportive, as usual.
Eustace (voice of Lionel Wilson): Where's my dinner? You were going to make hamburgers.
Doug: (sarcastically) They belong together.
Eustace: If you ain't feeding me, I'm going out to get me something to eat.
Doug (vo): She (Muriel) asks him (Eustace) to go get a scone, but...
Doug: ...he's also very hungry, so he's gonna go and get a burger as well.
(It's nighttime, and we are shown the Sweet Stuff Bakery. Eustace drives right past the building, despite Courage trying to remind him.)
Doug (vo): I know this bakery is nothing like mind-blowing or anything, but there are two details I really like...
Doug: ...about this. One is that the sky is just full of stars...
Doug (vo): ...really giving you an idea that this is out in the middle of Nowhere, because the more you get away from...
Doug: ...the city and lights and buildings and so forth, you can really, really make out the stars super well. And I also really like the reflection of...
(The camera zooms in on the light from the bakery windows cast upon the road.)
Doug (vo): ...the light at the bottom from the building. That's just a nice...
Doug: ...little touch, especially with the floor being very blue...
Doug (vo): ...and you have a great contrast with the night sky there and everything.
Doug: So — I mean, it's a little thing, but it looks really nice.
Eustace: Gotta get me a hamburger first. Hee hee hee!
Doug (vo): I like how he (Eustace) laughs like he's...
Doug: ...getting away with something. I mean, that's just such...an odd person who — just by getting himself something to eat before he gets what he's supposed to go out there to get. Like he's doing something diabolical and evil.
Doug (vo): Like he wants to do something diabolical and evil against his wife...
Doug: ...but he can't, so he's seeing this as the diabolical and evil thing. It's weird. Maybe I read too deep into that, but... (beat) No, I read too deep into that.
(On one side of the road, a sign comes up: "Burgers, Really Cheap!" The sign indicates the place is just two miles away. Eustace finally pulls the truck up into the parking lot.)
Jean Bon (voice of Tom McKeon): Welcome to Jean Bon's, home of the best-looking juiciest burgers in all of Nowhere.
(Just as Courage is about to put ketchup on his burger, he notices what looks like the face of the gentleman at the counter.)
Jean Bon: It's my wife's special — a HEAD of beef! Ha ha ha!
(Courage attempts to warn Eustace, but the farmer just puts on his mask.)
Eustace: Ooga-booga-booga!
Courage (voice of Marty Grabstein): Aaahh!!!
Jean Bon: Dear, we have a new customer. He has...possibilities.
Jean Bon's Wife (voice of John R. Dilworth): Too precious.
Jean Bon's Wife: Sweetie, did you bring me that dog?
Jean Bon's Wife: I could just eat him up.
Customer: It is a true work of art.
Jean Bon's Wife: I still want to sink my teeth into that cute little dog.
(Courage's scream is heard as the episode ends.)
Doug: Well...who's hungry?