Channel Awesome
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters 4


April 3rd, 2017
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Sooo, when do we get to overthrow this Kingdom?

Linkara: Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. Time to once again look at giant monsters' satire of pop culture. AKA Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters. (vo) And hoo boy, we're about to get the worst of it in this one. Decided to read ahead in the book just to see how much worse it can get. The good news is that I can definitively say that hose who said the book got better later were correct. Unfortunately, it's a l-o-n-g slog to get there, and while the book does get better, it's still not exactly what I would call "good", especially because it's pretty clear that a lot of subplots are gonna go nowhere, and it feels too little too late. But for now, a reminder of what happened last time.

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