Channel Awesome

Doug: Well, guys, if you tuned in last time, you know the Top 10 Movies I Hate But Everybody Else Seems to Love. Well, now's your revenge. These are the Top 10 Movies That I Like But Everybody Else Seems to Hate. Now, something I want to emphasize before I start this list. This is very important. None of these films I think are great films. I don't love any of these films. Uh, but I thought they were okay. I thought they were decent films. I'm glad I saw them. I acknowledge that all of them have problems. There's no, like, perfect film in there. "Why can't anyone see the genius?" It's nothing like that. But I'm glad I paid the money, I'm glad I saw them on the big screen, and I enjoyed them. So, like I said, if you didn't enjoy them, great. Doesn't say anything about you, about you being a jerk or an idiot or anything like that. Um, so, like I said, you heard my spiel of the last video, so these are the Top 10 Films That I Enjoy, Nobody Else Seems To.

(An image of Doug's face is shown as the title is shown. The image will serve as the countdown's interlude)


Doug (vo): Number 10: Unbreakable.

Doug (vo): Now, of course, M. Night Shyamalan, I made fun of him. Everybody has. And I'm not gonna lie, there is a lot of make fun of in this movie. But the reason I like this movie, in all honesty, I think it's for different reasons than probably M. Night Shyamalan had.

Doug: I'm one of those people, I sort of give free doubt of the idea that, like, fate or destiny. I think that's kind of a scary idea.


Doug (vo): Number 9: Punch-Drunk Love.

Doug (vo): Paul Thomas Anderson is one of the most interesting directors working today. He makes very interesting movies, and they're very odd in how they're told and how they're paced. I think he is trying new things with how to tell a story.

Doug: And essentially, this is just a basic romance. I mean, when you really get down to it, it's just a basic romance, but it's told in such an odd way, and in such a strange, uncomfortable way. But in a sense, that makes it the most effective, because the role Adam Sandler plays...still my favorite Sandler movie. I mean, this is him at his best, he really does a good job.


Doug (vo): Number 8: Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Doug (vo): This is back when Disney was trying to go a different direction with their animation department, and I'll admit, I would've liked it if they'd gone all the way, if they went for a straightforward grown-up action film, but they're still trying to get the, the stuff for little kids. And it's okay, it's decent.

Doug: But it would've been nice to see a really hardcore, you know, like Indiana Jones action-adventure without so many kid jokes thrown in. But what I like about it, really, is I like these characters. I like the Mole guy.

Doug (vo): I like the, um, what is it? The teenage girl who is a boxer. I like the guy with the explosions. They're all very strange characters.

Doug: But you really grow to like them and enjoy what they're doing. And I like the actual culture they sort of created of Atlantis. It was very different-looking, it was sort of, it was like Indiana Jones meets sort of an alien-ish technology...not including Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Doug (vo): And I liked learning about this world, I liked seeing the weird creatures and the technology and the things they ride.

Doug: What I didn't like is the same thing a lot of people didn't like. I didn't enjoy the villain, I didn't enjoy that it was just a treasure hunt. It actually seemed very out of character once a lot of the main guys suddenly turn bad. Of course, they turn good again, but I mean, when they suddenly turn into bad guys, it's like, "Where'd this come from?" And, yeah, by the end, what they're fighting for seemed very phoned-in. I wish they could've had something stronger they could've been fighting for outside of just, "This is a treasure hunt." No, come on. You guys are gonna be rich either way, okay? I mean, just, you don't need to destroy this civilization or whatever the half-baked plan was. So, I don't like that aspect. I think the last third, what they were fighting for, was really weak. But, I thought everything else was decent, I thought it was interesting, it was a very fascinating movie. I liked this culture.

Doug (vo): I like the technology. It felt very Indiana Jones-like to me, or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and I sort of like that stuff. I like old school, but still...

Doug: ...futuristic technology. I sort of like that mix, like what if technology sort of went in another direction than the direction it went with that we chose? What if it sort of went a little bit more steampunk or something like that? So, I enjoy it. Again, not perfect, definitely not perfect. But, especially on the big screen, if you have like a really big-ass TV or a great sound system, watch this movie on the big screen 'cause it looks awesome. Um...I might be wanting to get it on Blu-Ray, if it is in Blu-Ray, I'm sure it is, if not...put it on Blu-Ray. It looks great. So, very underrated. I think a lot of people don't like it because of that third act, because of know, what they're ultimately trying to get out of it, which is weak, it's really weak. But I really like this movie. I see more of the problems now, but I really enjoyed it back then, I think it holds up well enough. Sometimes it's a little too childish, but I think it works.


Doug (vo): Number 7: Hancock.

Doug (vo): Again, not a perfect movie. It has problems, but it is also a very different look at superheroes. It's not a straight-up comedy, it's not a straight-up superhero film. That's part of the problem that people had. They thought it was a little too...

Doug: ...jumbled. They thought it was a little too...


Doug (vo): Number 6: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.

Doug (vo): Now I'm just gonna say straight-up right now. I only read one Narnia book, and that was the first one. Actually, I didn't even know there were more Narnia books after the first one.

Doug: When the movie came out, that's when I found out there was more. I'm like, "There was more?" I only thought it was just one! It seemed so self-contained. So, I didn't know there was more. So, going into this movie, I didn't read the book. And I'm finding out more and more, people who didn't read the book usually like the movie. People who have read the book hate the movie. And, that's really fascinating, because I did talk to people about what was left out and what they added. To me, it seems like the stuff they added was pretty interesting. I liked that the, um, the oldest boy suddenly, you know, he starts to get a little cocky, um, I like that he becomes too overconfident, I really like the temptation of the White Witch.

Doug (vo): I thought that was very clever and very well-handled. And I thought it got, it did get darker, it did get more menacing.

Doug: And it got a little bit more political, and I like that...I like anything that sort of takes that fairy tale aspect and sort of, it grows it up a little bit, it sort of makes it a little bit more tougher and more grown-up. But not too extreme, like the Harry Potter movies, where, you know, if you're a kid reading Harry Potter, "Oh, yay! Wizards! Yay!" And then, if you're reading them all in a row and you get to the last one, "Jesus!" (Chuckles) It's not like that. It's intense, but it's not, you know, too graphic. It's not too much, it's about the right amount. Um, I don't know where the other books go, but I sort of do. People have been sort of spoiling the books for me, but I don't care. I know they do get a little bit more, you know, whatever, more adult and more, it certainly takes more risks. But for the film itself, imagine you never read the book and you saw that movie.'s a decent movie.

Doug (vo): I was really getting into it. I got into the characters a lot more, I like that the youngest girl could see Aslan but nobody else could.

Doug: I think there's a lot of challenges of faith in there, and I like it when, whatever, the real world sort of sets in a little bit more. Well, real Narnia world, whatever, I know it's fictional, but I like that it sort of sets in a little more, and everything's not as easy as it used to be. Uh, the fight scenes are great, I love the villain, the Caspian kid, you know, was fine, although I heard he's, like, a lot younger in the book. That was one of the big complaints. Um, I think the only other thing that may have disturbed me, I don't know if it was in the books, is when the trees are attacking. Yeah...we've all seen this happen, you know. This is from Lord of the Rings. But again, yeah, what I liked about that, even though it was from Lord of the Rings, uh, when I read The Two Towers...was it Two Towers? Yeah, Two Towers had the big attack. And the trees are attacking, I imagined them moving more like they did in Narnia, I didn't imagine that they had legs and arms. I imagined that it was sort of more, uh, you know, octopus-y, you know, the roots going and grab people. So, I liked seeing that. I thought that was pretty cool. Um, but, yeah, it's from Lord of the Rings. Even if it is in the book, I know C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were friends, so, whatever, I guess it's cool. Uh, I really enjoyed that movie. I thought it got more suspenseful, it got darker, it got tougher, but still had that sense of magic, it had new things in it. I love whatever the hell that giant water thing...

Doug (vo): ...came out and just headbutted that guy. That was awesome!

Doug: So, I don't know. I really liked it, maybe even more than the first one. But again, I'm a minority on this. Maybe because I didn't read the book, I was actually watching it with someone else who didn't like the first movie, and he was watching the second one, like, really getting into it. I said, "Did you read the books?" "No." So, maybe people who haven't read the books would like it more. I don't know, I thought it was a lot of fun. I thought it was a really cool movie, but what do I know?


Doug (vo): Number 5: Star Trek: Nemesis.

Doug (vo): Now, of course, if I knew this was gonna be the last Star Trek: Next Generation movie, I'd be pissed off. I'd be, like, "Hey, come on! Give us something better than this! This is really overblown."

Doug: But just as a Star Trek movie, it's not...that bad. Especially considering how bad a lot of the other Star Trek movies got. And I...there's things I really enjoy about this. I enjoy the idea of your older self...

Doug (vo): ...versus your younger self, and if you grow up in a different environment, would you be different?

Doug: Do you have the, you know, the genetics or the willpower to, you know, stay away from this path, or would you go along this path no matter what? The nature vs. nurture. And that was very interesting. And I really liked...the best stuff is when Picard is talking with his younger self...

Doug (vo): ...and they're trying to learn from each other. That's great stuff, and that's really complex, really interesting.

Doug: It does get a little lost in...sort of these overblown action sequences that are really over-the-top, even by Star Trek standards. Um...but at the same time, you did get to see some cool things. Like, I liked seeing the ships actually crash into each other.

Doug (vo): There's a scene where, like, the dome, like, slides into the other ship, which is...fucking nuts (Laughs), in terms of Star Trek.

Doug: But it looked great. I thought it was really cool. Um, some things did go a little too far, like, I think, Data jumped from one ship to another, that's stupid. There's a scene where a car jumps into a spaceship, that was stupid.

Doug (vo): So a lot of the action scenes are too far and over-the-top, but...

Doug: It also gave us some stuff we really wanted to see. I liked that, what was it, Riker and Troi, they finally get married. I liked seeing Whoopi Goldberg again in the movies. I think even Wesley was in there. And was kind of cool, seeing all these characters together again. Um...but, yeah, there are problems. It's another "They want to go to Earth, destroy everything". Star Trek is one of the few sci-fi movies and shows where, actually, I don't mind the political talk. It's not like Star Wars, where that sort of sci-fi fans see. This is very much, "Hey, what if this future was real?" You know, there would be political talks, there would sort of be these debates, and I would've liked a little bit more of that in this Star Trek, instead of just going for this so much action. Uh, for the stuff that's in it, though, despite how stupid it can get, it can get really stupid, the stuff that works I think really works. And a lot of that comes to the two Picards. I like the fact that there's two Datas also. I found that interesting. But like everyone else, I was pissed off that it wasn't Lore. Oh, my God, such a Star Trek geek right now. But I was pissed off that it wasn't Lore, and sort of this, you know, mentally off...

Doug (vo): ...Data, which, I know what they're going for at the end, it's like his replacement, he could come back again...

Doug: ...sort of live through him, all that good stuff. Interesting, not really that developed. Um, but I like that. I sort of like the way it was starting to deal with. I like what it dealed with Picard. I would've like to have seen more of that with Data maybe. So, as a last film, it's not a good last, you know, Next Generation film. If that was gonna be the last one, I'm like, "Come on, you can do better than that." But, it's decent. I'm glad I saw it, it had some good action, good effects, and not totally devoid of character, so, unlike some of the other Star Trek movies, which, I think...the only Star Trek movie that had nothing good in it, like, at all was Insurrection, in my opinion. Not cause it's, like, it has the worst moments, it's just totally forgettable, so. But every Star Trek movie has something good in it, something that made you glad to see it, and that's pretty cool. So, I think, uh, Nemesis had...there was more to it than I think some people gave credit for, but it just gets so shaddled by those over-the-top action sequences and some of the dumber moments that, I think, people just sort of forget it. But watch it again. There's some good stuff in there, I think.


Doug (vo): Number 4: The Cable Guy.

Doug (vo): This is said to be the movie that almost destroyed Jim Carrey's career, which is so ironic, because it wasn't a bomb. It did okay. But it was so out-of-character for Jim Carrey, I guess, normally does, or the tone was. It was a much darker tone.

Doug: It was directed by Ben Stiller. That was a movie that almost destroyed his directing career. Thank God he came back with Tropic Thunder, and actually, Zoolander's pretty funny, too.


Doug (vo): Number 3: The Matrix Reloaded.

Doug (vo): Now let me make one thing perfectly clear. I don't like any of the Matrix movies. I don't think any of them are technically good movies.

Doug: But out of all of them, the one I dislike the least is the second one, and the second one was the only one where I thought, "Wow. This is...really doing some big, awesome stuff. This is really having fun with itself." The first film had that bullet time, great.


Doug (vo): Number 2: Spider-Man 3.

Doug (vo): All right, you all saw my Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments, so you know there's a lot of things to hate about Spider-Man 3. But you also know I like the movie, and you're probably wondering, "What the hell do you like about Spider-Man 3?" I'll tell you exactly what I like.

Doug: The big thing, for me, was this was the first time I actually gave a crap about the romance.

Doug (vo): In the last two films, it seemed very forced, very awkward, very...

Doug: "Oh, they're talking, they're sharing moments, yay."


Doug (vo): And the number 1 Movie That I Like But Everyone Else Seems to Hate is...X-Men 3.

Doug (vo): Yeah, another "3" movie, isn't it? Something about the second sequel always seems to turn people off. Are people tired of it? I don't know. But I like this film, though, again...

Doug: Problems, big problems.
