Chez Apocalypse is an indepedent website operated by Team Nostalgia Chick (Lindsay Ellis, Elisa Hansen, and Antonella Inserra), which features shows from both and non-TGWTG shows. The primary purpose of the website is to showcase shows that take a more analytical approach to reviewing rather than just straightup comedy/entertainment.
-Lindsay Ellis (The Nostalgia Chick, 50 Shades of Green)
-Maven of the Eventide (Vampire Reviews)
-Nella (Various blogs, 50 Shades of Green)
-ToddInTheShadows (Pop Song Reviews)
-Oancitizen (Brows Held High)
-PawDugan (Music Movies)
-Phil Buni (The Bunny Perspective) (Former Contributor)
-Foldable Human (Folding Ideas)
-Sursum Ursa (Stuff You Like)