Channel Awesome

(The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing a poster for "The Muppet Christmas Carol". "Twelve Days of Christmas" plays throughout)

Doug (vo): You know, every Christmas, I try to review a good Disney Christmas movie. Well, you know what? I'm sick of it. (A picture of Nostalgia Critic, looking very irritated, is shown) This Christmas, I want to review crap.

(Posters for "I'll Be Home for Christmas", "Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas" and "The Search for Santa Paws" are shown rapidly, before stopping at "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas" and showing trailer clips and stills from the movie)

Doug (vo): Uh...this looks good. "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas", this is one of the earlier Disney sequels that was coming out, like, maybe the sixth or seventh. God, it's bad to think that number is actually early. This must've been very popular, 'cause they even re-released it with the special edition. Yeah, I guess this got a bit of a fanbase. I guess, to its credit, it's not the...worst. I mean, there's definitely a lot more bad Disney sequels out there, but... (Signs) Yeah, it's still not...that...uh...


Doug (vo): Okay. Well, it takes place, once again, once upon a time. Except this time, Belle and her prince are talking about who brought Christmas back to the palace. So we flash back to when Belle was still a prisoner of the Beast. He's still pretty kind to her in terms of letting her room in the castle and everything, but he has this hatred of Christmas. One of the reasons being, I guess, they are all transformed on Christmas. (Speaks sarcastically) Oh, what a coincidence. (Speaks normally) And they even come across this Christmas ornament, played by Bernadette Peters, who hates Christmas, as well, because she hates with a reminder it is of all the misery that it's brought. But, of course, Belle wants to bring Christmas to the castle by going out and getting a tree and celebrating the holiday. But little do both her and the Beast know that they're actually being manipulated by this evil organ, played by Tim Curry. Oh, yeah. Now things get good. Tim Curry is the villain in this, and he doesn't really attack or throw anything at people...well, not till the end, but we'll get to that...he just uses his manipulation to keep the Beast shut off from everybody, so he can do nothing but play music for him.


Final thought
