Channel Awesome
Action Comics #592

Action Comics 592 part 1 by Masterthecreater

August 23, 2010
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Superman hangs out with old people and Big Barda considers other career options... at least she will when this whole ordeal is done with.

Linkara: Hello, and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. I frequently mention how sad it is that sometimes I have to review crappy material from otherwise good creators. This is the case with today's writer and artist, John Byrne.

(Cut to a shot of a panel from "All-Star Batman and Robin #1")

Linkara (v/o): The more that I think about it, the more I believe that he's kind of like the bizarro Frank Miller. Frank Miller in the past twenty years has had a gradual decline in the quality of his work, both writing and artwork...

(Cut to a shot of Miller's blog)

Linkara (v/o): ...yet somehow on his blog, he's eloquent and well-spoken.

(Cut to a shot of a comic by John Byrne called "JLA - The Tenth Circle Strikes Again")

Linkara (v/o): John Byrne, on the other hand, while his work remains good, or at least decent and competent, has a bit of a reputation on the Internet for being a jackass.

(Cut to a shot of the Wikipedia article on John Byrne)

Linkara (v/o): Mind you, this is all secondhand from people who have either spoken with him on his site and forums, interacted with him outside the interwebs, or from quotes I found on Wikipedia, so I can't be certain what's true and what's not, but hey, if I don't bring it up, someone else will.

(Cut to shots, first of the cover, then a panel, of an "Uncanny X-Men" comic)

Linkara (v/o): And since I'm sure this will be the first question people ask me, I don't really have an "opinion" on John Byrne. I like his artwork, and I like some, though not all, of his writing. If the quotes and anecdotes about him are true, I have to roll my eyes and be annoyed and disgusted, but all I've got to go on, really, is his work.

Linkara: And hoo, boy, do I have one of his more notorious works today! Let's dig into (holds up today's comic) "Action Comics #592".

(AT4W title sequence plays; title card has "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen playing over it)

This guide is not complete. Please finish.
